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Yoga is an ancient practice to which many texts, philosophies and schools of thought refer, it is a complex discipline and is still in constant evolution. But one thing is certain, yoga allows you to align body-mind-soul and live harmoniously; in a nutshell, yoga makes you feel good!


Every yoga style is different with its own peculiarities, try them all and find the one that is right for you.

Each practice is suitable for all levels, whether you are a beginner, or you have an advanced level, you will be able to enjoy the benefits and advance in your practice.


Yoga is accessible for just about everyone. As long as you can breath, you can do yoga.



Vinyasa Flow

The term Vinyasa means to place in a special way, or to bring awareness in every movement at all times.


Vinyasa Flow is a practice characterised by the particular fluidity of the harmonic movements that are performed in coordination with the breath. Through the flow from one asana (posture) to another, we will create intense and dynamic sequences in which movement and breath are in constant connection.


In this practice, we will focus on pranayama (breathing), asana (posture) and a short meditation, to perform a complete practice and touch every aspect of yoga. We will also include some funky transitions and play with inversions, which allow us to see the world from another perspective, making it more interesting.


Moving away from the more static forms of traditional yoga, Vinyasa is a dynamic, creative, playful and sometimes choreographic practice.



Hatha flow

A balance between strength, flexibility and conscious movements.


Hatha Yoga is the art of union, referring to a practice in which a balance is sought between the two opposite poles: strength and relaxation.


It is an alignment-oriented class for a clear foundation and deeper knowledge of postures, with an integration of breathing techniques (pranayama). The slow progression of postures (asanas) will allow us to acquire flexibility and strength by feeling the body more elastic, maintaining a moderate intensity.



Basic Yoga

In this class we will get to know the basics of yoga starting from the roots. It is an alignment-oriented class for a solid foundation and deeper knowledge of postures. In this way we will learn to feel our body while we take on the various postures (asanas).


With the help of props (support materials such as blocks, belt, blanket) we will simplify and adapt the postures to our body. Together with breathing techniques (pranayama) and short meditation, the class has a gentle and calm rhythm to become familiar with the movements.


This class is suitable for all levels, both for those who approach the discipline for the first time, but also for those who practice yoga regularly and would like to deepen their knowledge, review technical concepts or seize new details and nuances.


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